-It is better to laugh about your problems than to cry about them-

Selasa, 20 Disember 2011

orkestra simfoni remaja

ok lah first time tgk orkestra 

the best part  masa jamal abdilah nyanyi ,fuhh meremang dengar sore dia 

Ahad, 11 Disember 2011

gamelan activity

A few picture me and my friends at pusat kokurikulum. Sepatutnya sign je hari tu,but we have to wait until 4pm to get the attendance and free concert ticket. dengar ada jamal abdilah nanti yeahhh..

waiting 4 the attendance 

practise untuk final,tapi akhirnyer exam cancel aishh (pidah &wani)

 aku kelibut men mende nie 

yasmin also want to try 

jaja lambat skit dtg 

bee try men gendang, taulah mnat kat tett kan heheh

ada ambil video ,check this out, we are not pro,but we are trying the best hahah

Jumaat, 9 Disember 2011


I will listen to this song every morning ..

hello hello

Assalamualaikum .My feeling right now is just  want to go back home. Feel lonely and trap here like a monkey in the zoo. ayoo what to do. Just have to wait about a month .  This sunday i  have to do  add/ drop subject  , and im kinda stress to arrange my schedule   for next semester plus piss off with new way to add subject !. Dah giler kot diorang nie.Why do this to students. We should  make these thing  easy  ,but now  they make it more difficult  to us.Next week i have  a presentation for my mandarin subject, and im not prepare yet.Learning  Mandarin is more difficult than what  i thought  huhu. Hopefully everything  will go well .Ok wish me luck..

my stress medication hahah